Part 51: Searching the Laundry (Machine)
Music: Overstepped MemoryLike I said before we're rudely interrupted, the rest of our potential buyers are downstairs. If we go down to the first floor...

Somebody's coming up from the basement.

Music: Dancing Cat

This part doesn't actually affect our success at persuading her.

Why the long face?

Betty hurries away after uttering those words.

There's only one way to find out: examining the basement.
Music: Sorrowful Nightfall

Music: Hidden Proof

Middle machine It's a communal washing machine. The door's slightly open.

Dress There's a dress inside the washing machine. By the looks of it, it's soaked. Looking closer, the dress seems to have some stains on it.

Ah, here's our first white question. White questions means that we don't know who we're supposed to ask this to. It also means that we can ask multiple people. They're very rare. There's less than 10 of them throughout all of Hotel Dusk.
We can see which character can be asked this question from the profiles. This is also available in Hotel Dusk, but there's a very comprehensive script on Gamefaqs so it's less important there.
Music: Gusty Town

The response is of course different depending on the person.

We have to get the question before we knock on Charles' door, since he'll leave if he's happy and won't open the door if he's not.

Tony is one of the people we can sell an item to, and the most voted potential buyer. I'll show the sales pitch later.

This is the first time we can question Claire. I'll show off the items later since she has something to do with another potential buyer.

Said potential customer is Marie. The only reason we're going to sell to Marie instead of Betty is because tomanton guessed the item correctly for her.
Music: A Drink in the Evening

Finally, we can ask this question to Sidney. He's a bit more special than the rest.

Music: Gusty Town

This is our second chance to question Sidney. Without this question, there's no way to show him items, particularly the crossword.
Show $5

Show crossword (unfinished)

Show crossword (incorrect)

Yep. The big hint to solving the crossword is hidden inside an optional dialogue. It can't be seen just by talking to Sidney with the incorrect solution.

Show crossword (correct)
It's the same as the one I've showed.
Show entry slip
I show Sidney my entry slip for the prize draw.

Show bugging device

Show winning bottle cap
It's the same as talking to him normally with this in our inventory. I'll show it later.
Show Pinkie Rabbit Land

Show cleaner

Show snow globe

Show other wares

Show others

You know, Sidney doesn't actually deny it. Maybe he can join Dunning in the quest to become beautiful

All right, let's actually ask the people most likely to be the owner of the dress.
Knock "I'm busy!"

Read note

Write note

Show room 202 key, $5 or Frank's tape

Show pager

Show crossword

Show winning bottle cap

Show Pinkie Rabbit Land

Grown men plays games

Kyle in particular, have a point there.
Show order sheet

Show snow globe

Show other wares

Show others


Betty looks furious as she goes back inside her room.
Whoops. Good thing it doesn't lead to a Game Over, though.
It does lead to 1/3 of a Game Over.